Evergreen Park Girls Softball League
Evergreen Park Girls Softball League

EPGSL Safety Plan, Bylaws, Board Meeting Minutes and Financial Statements are located at the bottom of this page.

The EPGSL serves the communities of Evergreen Park, Mt. Greenwood and Merrionette Park, and is a proud member of Little Legue Softball and Illinois Little League District 8. Our website is the primary way the board communicates with parents and coaches. We also HIGHLY encourage everyone to sign up for text alerts (see right). 


The objective of the Evergreen Park Girls Softball League is to instill in the youth of our community ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, and courage, with the hope that they will grow to be contributing, healthy adults. This objective will be reached by providing supervised competitive athletic games. The supervisors shall bear in mind at all times that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of the game is secondary; the molding of future citizens is our primary objective.


All adult volunteers who are involved with EPGSL are to work for the protection, guidance, well-being and welfare of all participating players. This goal will be attained by the recruitment and training of qualified adults who share the League’s philosophy and objectives. 


We are committed to creating a culture in which coaches, parents, fans, umpires and athletes work together to achieve our mission.

Board, Coordinators and Commissioners

Our Board, Coordinators, Managers and Commissioners are working together and are completely committed to providing an enjoyable experience for your child. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments, concerns, complaints, ideas or requests you may have. We look forward to you contacting us.

Executive Board Members

Nick Chapman


email: nchapman@epgirlssoftball.com


Click Image

Rich Farmer

Vice President

email: farmer@epgirlssoftball.com

Cesar Salazar


email:  csalazar@epgirlssoftball.com

Julie Chapman


email: jchapman@epgirlssoftball.com

Lauren Evoy

Player Agent & Safety Officer

email: playeragent@epgirlssoftball.com


Michelle O'Rourke

Website Coordinator

email: orourke@epgirlssoftball.com

Sarah Peters

Umpire Coordinator

email: ump@epgirlssoftball.com

Bill Hovanec & Ken Johnson

Field and Equipment Manager

email: equipment@epgirlssoftball.com

Sandra Salazar

Special Events Coordinator

email: specialevents@epgirlssoftball.com


Jaime Kunce

Sponsor Coordinator

email: sponsorship@epgirlssoftball.com

Stephanie Hovanec

Travel Coordinator

email: stephanie@epgirlssoftball.com

Appointed Board Members

Megan Burke

Picture Day Coordinator

email: pictures@epgirlssoftball.com



Click Image for more info: ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program)

Long the pacesetter in youth sports safety, Little League has again taken the lead with the development of ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program). With the help of corporate sponsors Musco Lighting and AIG Insurance Companies, ASAP has created a network of more than 5600 safety officers working together for safety.

ASAP is a grass roots program based on communication of ideas. Leagues across the country contribute their safety ideas to ASAP News, a colorful, monthly newsletter. Safety officers can then find out what their peers are doing to make things “safer for the kids.”

A safety officer in Georgia may see what a Nebraska league did to maintain safety during a heat wave. A safety officer in California whose concession stand is less than orderly may use the plan for concession stand safety submitted by a New Jersey league.

Introduced in 1994, ASAP has already increased Little League’s overall safety awareness and reduced insurance costs for participating leagues. This summer, the annual ASAP Awards will recognize the leagues with the best safety programs. The top award is a free set of field lights from Musco Lighting.

The EPGSL has implemented a safety plan for the 2022 season and beyond.

Lauren Evoy is our league’s safety officer.


2022 Safety Manual
2022 Safety Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]


Adopted November 14, 2018
Bylaws are being updated with the new league incorporation and move to Little League.
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

EPGSL General Board Meeting Minutes

2024 EPGSL Meeting Minutes

01.31.24 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes
01.31.24 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [119.2 KB]
01.10.24 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes
01.10.24 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [121.7 KB]

2023 EPGSL Meeting Minutes

10.11.23 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes
10.11.23 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [24.4 KB]
08.09.23 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes
08.09.23 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [31.9 KB]
06.13.23 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes
06.13.23 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [24.8 KB]
02.08.23 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes
02.08.23 - EPGSL Meeting Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [34.4 KB]


President - The president has many responsibilities in the administration of the league. Each President is accountable to the local league board of directors. Duties of a president are described within the limits of the rules and regulations, and within the local league constitution, giving each president the ability to oversee the affairs of all elements of the league.

As the chief administrator, the president selects and appoints managers, coaches, umpires and committees. As such, no person becomes a manager, coach, umpire or committee member without the approval of the president. However, all appointments are subject to final approval by the local league's board of directors.

Importantly, the president is the officer with whom Little League International maintains contact. The president also represents the league in the District organization.

The president should be the most informed officer of the league. Each president must know the regulations under which Little League operates and in authorizing the annual application for charter, binds all members of the league to faithfully observe the regulations. Little League Baseball International Headquarters reserves the right to require a league to remove any officer who does not carry out the terms of charter application. Serious violation can result in loss of the league's charter by action of the Charter Committee in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

Beyond the requirements of league administration, the president should personify the best public image in reflection to the community at large. Each president should take an active role in gaining support and winning friends for the league program.

The president presides at league meetings, and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league. The president receives all mail, supplies and other communications from the Little League Headquarters. 

Vice President - The vice president presides in the absence of the president, works with other officers and committee members, is ex-officio member of all committees, and carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the president.

Secretary - The secretary orders UNIFORMS and Spirtiwear. Maintains a register of members and directors, records the minutes of meetings, is responsible for sending out notice of meetings, issues membership cards and maintains a record of league's activities. 

Treasurer - The treasurer signs checks co-signed by another officer or director (or as directed by the local league's constitution), dispenses league funds as approved by the board of directors, reports on the status of league funds, keeps local league books and financial records, prepares budgets, and assumes the responsibility for all local league finances.

Umpire Coordinator/Player Agent - Provides Umpire Training, along with scheduling umpires throughout the season. Responsible for investigating and suggesting discipline for any managerial, coach or fan misconduct during games. Assists with player tryouts or evaluations for each division. Assists the president, vice president and league commissioners with the draft to maintain parity along with draft procedure for each division. Assits the president in checking birth records and player eligiblity.

Coaching Coordinator/Safety Officer - Represents coaches/managers in league; presents a coach/manager training budget to the board; gains the support and funds necessary to implement a league-wide training program; orders and distributes training materials to players, coaches and managers; coordinates mini-clinics as necessary; helps implement www.LittleLeagueU.org as the manager-coach education program for the league. Coordinates all safety activities including supervision of ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program), ensures safety in player training, ensures safe playing conditions, coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries, solicits suggestions for making conditions safer, and reports suggestions to Little League International through the ASAP system.

Equipment and Field manager - Is responsible for maintaining the garage, and for the security, replacement repair, monitoring, planning, accounting, control and inventory of all league equipment as it pertains to gear and fields. Field equipment includes bases, mounds and any other equipment for fields. Help the President and Vice President direct the field crew and point out any needs that need to be tended too by the field crew or addressed by the board. Shall ensure compliance with league safety standards.

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